The Last Tycoon & The Vegetable Francis Fitzgerald

The Last Tycoon & The Vegetable - Francis Fitzgerald
Автор: Фицджеральд Фрэнсис Скотт
Издательство: Т8, 2018 г.
Серия: The Complete Works of
  • Научный редактор: Брускин Климент Антипович
  • Дизайн: Турчик Прокофий Андреевич
  • Оформитель: Чмирков Лазарь Станиславович
  • Страниц: 615
  • Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

Аннотация к книге "The Last Tycoon & The Vegetable"
F.S. Fitzgerald was an American writer, whose works illustrate the Jazz Age. The Last Tycoon is a magnificent story of doomed love set against the extravagance of America's booming film industry. The studio lot looks like 'thirty acres of fairyland' the night that a mysterious woman stands and smiles at Monroe Stahr, the last of the great Hollywood princes. Enchanted by one another, they begin a passionate but hopeless love affair. The romance unfolds, frame by frame, watched by Cecilia, a thoroughly modern girl who has taken her lessons in sentiment and cynicism from all the movies she has seen. The play The Vegetable was a satirical attack on the presidency of Warren Harding. An ordinary, incompetent man, taunted for his lack of ambition by his family, realises his dream of ruling the United States of America. Скачать The Last Tycoon & The Vegetable Francis Fitzgerald.

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