The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes XIV Arthur Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes XIV - Arthur Doyle
Автор: Дойл Артур Конан
Издательство: Т8, 2018 г.
Серия: Top 100 Classic Books
  • Редактор-составитель: Крутицкий Ярослав Власович
  • Верстка: Бабошкин Казимир Брониславович
  • Оформитель: Слюсарь Пимен Ксенофонтович
  • Страниц: 416
  • Формат: fb2, pdf,txt

Описание "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes XIV"
Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. This volume is a collection of stories about a world-famous detective, and his assistant Dr. Watson, investigating the cases of The Speckled Band, and The Crown Diamond. Читать книгу онлайн The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes XIV Arthur Doyle.

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